
HSVP - Refund Of Excess Amount Paid

Complain ID : CCN036265   436   Complaint's Reply

Real Estate Complaint Date: October 5, 2023
  • State :  Haryana
  • City :  Rohtak
  • Address: C/O Mr Dilbag Singh , 1133, Sec 3
1. As a responsible citizen the Complainant on being intimated that additional Enhancement Charges are applicable on Plot No 1021P, Sector 4 Ext, Rohtak (Haryana) by Haryana Shahari Vikas Pradhikaran (HSVP), the Complainant had deposited Rs 18 Lakhs on 17 Feb 2018 as Enhancement Charges as desired by HSVP. Later on the Enhancement Charges were reduced vide HSVP Memo No - HSVP/CCF/Acct-ii/2018 dated 11 April 2018 but excess amount ie Rs 1547582/- has not been refunded till date. It is also observed that Rs 206861/- are being deducted every year since 2018 without any explanation and the extra payment has now been reduced to Rs 720140/-.

2. HSVP has been requested repeatedly to refund the excess amount paid at the earliest and provide details of amount being deducted, however, no reply has been received till date.

3. The complainant had forwarded the same application for Refund and same is registered with HSVP office as Application No ZO005/EO010/UE018/2018/REFUND/000131 with remarks as APPROVED, but no refund or reply has been received.

4. The excess amount paid and no reply or refund is causing not only financial hardships but continuous mental agony to the complainant and needs to be addressed on priority
Complaint Against : Haryana Shahari Vikas Pradhikaran (HSVP)

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    Feedback on Complaint CC36265 by Jagdeep Singh Budhwar:

    (0 of 5)

    Sir, I had submitted all documents required and made the payment also but no feedback or action seems to have been initiated on my complaint CC36265. Kindly accord priority

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