
reg. cancellation of railway ticket without our consent and not refunding my amount..

Complain ID : CCN034754   36  

Railway IRCTC Complaint Date: December 19, 2020
  • State :  Uttar Pradesh
  • City :  Lucknow
  • Address: 1/219, Ground Floor, LDA Flats, Wazir Hassan Road, Lucknow-226001
On 16.12.2020 I booked two railway ticket from New Delhi to Lucknow (lucknow mail spl Number 02230) on the names of Shubham Singh and Sarita Singh through paytm vide booking i.d. 12392039569. Rs.2340/- were also deducted from my account bearing number 35548430395. On 18.12.2020 I received a message at 06:05 pm from payTm that your train tickets cancelled for Shubham Singh, Sarita Singh from New Delhi to Lucknow Ne, 18.12.2020 Booking I.D 12392039569 refunded amount Rs.0. At the same time we contacted the PayTm costumer care executive but they did not respond to our call and does not give any satisfactory reply. First they told that there is some server error. When we again contacted them the told that the request for cancellation was sent by you. We again request Paytm executive that we had not filed any request through mobile message or any call to cancel our ticket and requested to refund our above said amount. The paytm executive/manager Saurabh fully denied to refund our amount. After that we tried to contact IRCTC but they also not given any satisfactory reply to us. Moreover it is bring to your kind notice that a message was received from IRCTC at 06:50 PM on 18.12.2020 about confirmation of seats but Paytm authorities send a message that your tickets are cancelled at 06:05 PM (screen shots of messages received from Paytm and IRCTC enclosed). It is most urgent for us to take a train for Lucknow on 18.12.2020 and to reach on 19.12.2020 as I have to submit some important documents to some authority concerned. Me and my family members at Lucknow were also harassed by this incident. It is requested that kindly take necessary action against Paytm and IRCTC authorities and get our amount refund immediately as they cancelled my tickets with our request. Moreover the fine for Rs.50000/- may also be claim from Paytm and IRCTC for harassment and for loss of our time as we have to reach Lucknow on urgent basis. My transaction mobile number is 8604809133.
Complaint Against : paytm

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