Denied refund of fee for membership which is still to begin

Complain ID : CCN016331   44  

Gym and Yoga Complaint Date: March 7, 2016
I am an existing member of Snap Fitness 24/7 and had taken a pre-extension in good faith, on my expiring membership from 24 Mar'2016. Due to some sudden professional situations I will have to move base from Mumbai. So I applied for a cancellation on my pre-renewal, almost a month before the commencement of the membership. The cancellation request has been blatantly rejected by the Snap Fitness Management at point blank, on the grounds that they have a No Refunds policy. The issue is that I wasn't informed or taken consent from on any such No Refund policy at the time of payment. This is a complete violation of any procedural & organisational standard. On being asked for the policy document, they are simply stalling me with no reasons.

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