Harrashment and Fraud activities, V.P.O. Sundawas Dist Hisar

Complain ID : CCN032859   115  

Banks Complaint Complaint Date: July 3, 2019
Modified date: October 4, 2019
Respected Sir,

Subject – Requesting for Justice

I am Ratan Singh S/O Nigai Ram V.P.O. Sundawas Dist Hisar , I am writing about me that I have not seen my father because my father was expired before my birth, After my mother were married with my uncle Mr. Shobhachand & Mr. Ramprasad was birth who called my cousin brother , he have bank account in Sarva Haryana Gramin Bank -80958800022341 in Rawalwas Khurd Branch under Hissar District. And he have take dairy load from this bank for dairy running purpose during June’2017 years & Bank were confirm you will get subsidy in your accounts.. But unfortunate Mr. RamPrasad was no more live since from 26 May 2018 .

Now I am writing few lines for help and support from you,

After deid of Mr. Ram Prasad I have starting all activity of our family & take care of Dairy work & paper work related with him , , in this period bank person 3-4 time visit to our Home for loan clear purpose , and I have requesting to him now my condition is not good , So please wait for coming Apr-2019 , I were clear all pendency of your bank,

I were visit 2-3 time bank & discussed with bank manager Mr. Krishan Kumar IN Rawalwas Khurd Hissar (9466148048) for pendency of your bank which you will clear from us, please tell me, he were check all details and total pendency told me of dairy loan & KCC Loan 6,95000/- . During my last visit I take up to date all transaction of bank accounts Mr. Ram Parsad but I found the subsidy amounts not credits his accounts & debit amount of Pardhan Mantri Security yojna & Pardhan Mantri Pention Yojna were running continue after submitted by Death Certificate to Bank, After I were ask to Branch manager for dairy subsidy amounts where is ? & why debit after after his death. after branch manager told me that your are out from subsidy scheme due to not filled time dairy loan EMI & not satisfied reply about debits,

After I were visit to Dairy Department and take up details then come out results to front of me , subsidy has credits to Sarva Haryana Gramin self branch of Rawalwas Khurd accounts number-80951700069654 Rs.56250/- dated 21.03.2018 & Rs.37500/- dated Nov’18 and phone number was given for sms purpose his banks Fields officers Mr. Tarsem Chitra-9896109279 reason for fraud with customer & did not trace subsidy amounts .

Same day I were visit to Bank and again meeting with Branch Manager and told to him that our subsidy was released by Dairy Department to this accounts number-80951700069654 , after he checked and confirm this is not our branch self accounts , it were related to any other’s and you are fortunately that bank holders still was not debited your subsidy. After a lot of discussed by me then after he was declared in bank letter head on 10 June that I can’t give credit in Ramprasad accounts subsidy amounts and subsidy amounts only creadits if you have 2 Lacks Fixed deposit for 2 Years, But continuing I were requesting to him that I have no sufficient money Now anyhow I will hire interest money from other’s person , So I am unable to afford to this type of load as F.D. also I have take money interest from Mr. Raman Kumar in 3 % Rate of interest 5,00000/- which was credited on my accounts number -80951900019170 for one month & also My mother has sold of gold Jwellery Rs.1,15000/- for clear all pendency

During this time Branch Manger misbehaviors’ with me he will challenge to me “ You can complain where you want. I didn’t clear your pendency”

After I wasreach Bank Regional Manager Mr. BS Maan at Hissar and discussion on all issues and assure to me please wait & i treat your query.

In this period I have not any mis-Activity with any Bank Persons But not clear till date. also in my village are insulting to me for wrong feedback by given to Branch Manager.

Reference-Bank Latter Attached, Voice Recording Available to me,

Requesting to take action against such person who are wrongly using benefit of position and harassing to my family , during last one month my mother are going health down and serious.

Awaiting for correct justice for me .

CC: Respected Sir-FYI

Best Regards

Ratan Singh

VPO Sundawas-9416753563,9728863563
Complaint Against : Branch Manager

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