Contempt of court ordered, SBI cppc chandni chowk Delhi withdraw money and deduction from pension ac

Complain ID : CCN032677   66  

Banks Complaint Complaint Date: June 12, 2019
Modified date: October 4, 2019
  • State :  Haryana
  • Address: Scsharma Vpo Sondhad Teh Hodal Palwal Harayana, Village Sondhad Teh Hodal Palwal Harayana
Sir I am an exservicemen senior citizens PPO no s/ c/33957/81 vpo sondhad teh hodal Palwal harayana phone 9991428599 even Delhi High court ordered and defence ministry cgda order and pension office Allahabad order not paid penson arrears orop arrears and medical allowance last twelve years iam admitted in hospital niyati Mathura ICUWard last two years due to heart attack army hospital so far from my home losses rs six crores property sale due to heart attack my son suffering from cancer also harsehment contempt of court ordered and defence ministry cgda order and pension office Allahabad order yours faithfully exservicemen senior citizens sc Sharma vpo sondhad teh hodal Palwal harayana phone 9991428599
Complaint Against : SBI cppc chandni chowk Delhi withdraw money and deduction from pension account

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