
Regarding my refund - recharged my number(9416273281) on 5 September 2018 through Freecharge applica

Complain ID : CCN030320   62  

Recharge Complaint Complaint Date: September 21, 2018
Modified date: September 23, 2018
  • State :  Haryana
  • City :  Hisar
  • Address: 403 Navdeep Colony Azad Nagar Hisar
Dear sir/Madam
I recharged my number(9416273281) on 5 September 2018 through Freecharge application, first application showed payment failure but amount was deducted from my bank account. Then I again recharge the same number it showed transaction successfully. Balance from my account deduct twice. I contacted the customer support of Freecharge but they denied about double deduction. I also mailed them along with the bank statement in which clearly visible that amount was deducted twice, again they denied. I also complaint about this issue in my branch, they told that amount was transferred to the merchant account. I attached the account statement of my bank. Please advise me what should I do next?
Complaint Against : Freecharge application

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