
Consumer complaint against Flipkart.com FAULTY SCREEN

Complain ID : CCN030194   36  

Mobile Complaint Complaint Date: September 5, 2018
Modified date: September 22, 2018
with refernce to my order id: OD113237950081678000, this is 3rd time i amy putting replcmnt request of poco f1 recvd on 31st aug'18, 2 times your pathetic technician has visited and send report of OK, however its screen is faulty! and how dare he send report of OK without cust signature!! and when i tried to call at customer care this service they dont even attend customers properly!! i have to wait for 25-35 mins 4 times to talk with some of senior cust care idiot!! this was my 1st purchase from flipkart and really disappointed!!
either provide me replacment of my device within 2 days or provide refund!!
Complaint Against : Flipkart.com

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