Non receipt of Times of India and Navbharat times coupons

Complain ID : CCN026617   92   Complaint's Reply

Magazine Complaint Complaint Date: June 17, 2017
Modified date: June 17, 2017
  • State :  Delhi
  • City :  New Delhi
  • Address: Times House 7 Bahadurshah Zafar Marg New Delhi : 110002 Delhi ,India .
I had applied for times of india and navbharat coupons through mr.nikhil garg vide subscription number 0033503933 dated 11 february 2017. I had talked several times to Mr Nikhil Garg, Mr Anirudhh , Mr Mohit and many others on customer care. I have yet not received the coupons. this is highly condemable behaviour on part of times of India. Request to intervene and resolve the matter as early as possible or return me the amount of coupons without any further delay

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    not issue a coupon & break of supply newspaper in many times for 2.5 months by sharad:

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    I had applied for times of india and navbharat coupons through mr.nikhil garg vide dt-14/10/2016. I had talked several times to Mr Nikhil Garg, Mr Anirudh tyagi ,Mr Pawan Tyagi,Mr..pintu Rawal, Mr Mohit and many others on customer care. I have yet not received the coupons. this is highly condemable behaviour on part of times of India. Request to intervene and resolve the matter as early as possible or return me the amount of coupons without any further delay

    by pintu kumar:

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    I my name is pintu kumar, I applied for times of india yearly subscription, money has been debited from account to TOI..but I did not recvd the coupon, my address is us 309, 2nd Fl mandawali, delhi 110092. y ph no is 9810416248

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