
Service issue, I am using subscription plan for TOI & TET

Complain ID : CCN026122   37   Complaint's Reply

Magazine Complaint Complaint Date: May 25, 2017
Modified date: May 25, 2017
  • State :  Delhi
  • City :  New Delhi
  • Address: Times House 7 Bahadurshah Zafar Marg New Delhi : 110002 Delhi ,India .
I am using subscription plan for TOI & TET. I have applied in October 16 but after long followup paper started in April 2017.
I have not intimated about my customer Id nor provided with any coupons. Service is pathetic, vendor is asking for service charge of Rs50 per month. I have contacted Mr. Sanjay from TOI he is also very casual not sure about charges.

Now I am not getting proper service Economic times had not been delivered to me for last 10 days vendor misses TOI any day without reason/information

Need clarification on charges and service issues.

Ashish Rana


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