
Non delivery of assured gifts complaint to magazine Outlook Traveller

Complain ID : CCN028517   40  

Magazine Complaint Complaint Date: November 11, 2017
Modified date: November 20, 2017
Respected sirs,

I am a regular subscriber of magazine Outlook Traveller. Recently, i extended subscription owing to an attractive offer including 4+1 bags and one Parker pen from their representative MS Sapna Rajpoot. I paid the subscription fee on 28.07.2017. However, even after regular email and telephones i have not received the promised gifts. They responded that their intern Sapna Rajpoot wrongly offered gifts to me to get better incentives. However, the company was not having such offer. I pleaded that, their employee fraudulently got the subscription amount from me, so either they should release the gifts or repay me my subscription amount. However, even after repeated reminders i am not getting their response. It is requested to kindly look into the matter so that i may get the justice.

Yours sincerely,

Complaint Against : Outlook Group, New Delhi

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