
Ignoring eligible return request, I have purchased one pair of shoe

Complain ID : CCN032893   65  

Upbhokta Forum Complaint Date: July 8, 2019
Modified date: October 4, 2019
I have purchased one pair of shoe by paying ₹2,280 which was delivered in even worst box that to without peice tag.

I requested for product return on same day, but myntra delivery guy denied to pick up product by saying 'i wont take as price tag is not available'. Then i contact customer care for the same, and they took my complaint and roduct pick up got approved on June 26, 2019 and expected pick up was within 7 days.

I again called customer care on july 3, 2019 they said they need 72 hours to resolve the issue, unfortunately they failed to solve it.

On July 6, 2019 i again called for clarification but they again said they need 24 hours, unfortunately they again failed miserably.

Today again i called tk ask clarification they again said they dont have any information and i spoke to thier supervisor, who disconnected the call as she was not in position to answer my query. Then i again called this time i spoke with guy name called Mr. Abhijit, supervisor who was rude and then escalted called to floor supervisor and after waiting for almost 53 minutes and this time too they disconnected call at their end after keeping on hold.

Product details and call screeshot attached for your information and necessary action at your end.

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