
Printer Don't work but fipkart don't replce or refundf my printer

Complain ID : CCN030858   43  

Printer Complaint Complaint Date: November 11, 2018
  • State :  Haryana
  • City :  Hisar
  • Address: Vill - Panihar Chak.
Dear sir /madam
I purchased a printer from flipkart at 11 sep 2018 with order id -OD113352562437281000. but printer don't work correctly.

so i place i request of replacement, flipkart call me and know the issue and arrange atechnician form hp but technicican close my ticket and don't visit at my addrsss.

now at i complant this issue with flipkart for 5 times and every time same response now i want to refund my money back with 3 crore claim as a fine of this bad issue of by flipkART and there saller.

i also attached the screenshot of this order and requests.

i want my money back with fine of 3 crore from flipkart.
Complaint Against : Flipkart

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