
fake people with amazon logos and fake email id

Complain ID : CCN034748   61  

Fake Company Complaint Date: December 17, 2020
i also got an offer letter from same email id hr@amazonhire.in. she said her name is ritu. firstly i have seen the job post in hyderabadjobseekers group at facebook from an fb account named kanishka waliya i submitted my resume and certificate photos to her. then i got a call from someone he called me for first round of interview which is just my introduction then ritu called and told me that i am selected and she ask me to send 3000rs or minimun 1000rs and after receiving laptop and router pay the existing when i said that i need to ask my husband for sending money then she said ok ask him then confirm me that you can send money or not before i release offer letter once confirm me then i will send offer letter to you. after discussing with kanishka waliya i told her to send me offer letter i will verify it then i will send money. so she sent me offer letter from hr@amazonhire.in and for verification i was searching on internet and i got this fake company post.
Complaint Against : fake hr of amazon

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