My electricity bill comes too much please help me I have visit many time electricity bored office

Complain ID : CCN030925   114   Complaint's Reply

Electricity Board Complaint Date: November 20, 2018
Modified date: December 7, 2018
  • State :  Rajasthan
  • City :  Jaipur
  • Address: 194-A Sanajay Nagar Joshi Marg Behind Angel Acadamy School Jhotwara
My electricity bill comes too much please help me I have visit many time electricity bored office but they are no getting my hearing in the Power department please help me out of this also at my home since past six month they gave me same reading which is no possible and nobody come to take reading from electricity bored office and also they r giving me bill as per they want without taking Current reading above 5200/- in every Two months and writing a lock on the door on bill,witch is not possible my main door Is always open in day time my mother is also there at home all the time and just I have only 2 fans 1 refrigerator and the 1 TV at my home and also I am living on rent on that place please please help me ....and also i attached the picture of electricity bill august to October
Complaint Against : Reading isuue

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