
Poor broadband wireless connection from Mittan Net Works service and denying to refund..........

Complain ID : CCN021647   39  

Delivery Complaint Complaint Date: August 6, 2016
Modified date: August 7, 2016
  • State :  Haryana
  • City :  Panipat
  • Address: Mittan Net Works, Old Grain Market, Babarpur Mandi, Panipat (Haryana)
On dated 11th June 2016, I took a broadband wireless connection from Mittan Net Works (Babarpur Mandi, Panipat). And Paid 5987/- (Device Security 3500/-, advance rent of 19 days 562/-) along with wire, router and installation charges. This connection hardly ran for 2-3 days and after that connectivity disturbance occurred. I called them many a times but neither they picked my phone nor they reverted to any of my email or txt. I physically visited their office 4 times during first week of installation for continuation of service. On 16th of June they refused to pay the refundable charges and even called his mates for beating me. Owner of this company picked a stick in his hand along with his other mates but somehow my friend Anil saved me else I would have been in deep physical and mental trouble. Parveen and Satinder (an advocate) are the owner of this company. Parveen fought with me and threatens me and told me that they will not pay even a single penny. They even tried to blame on me that I misbehaved with their female employee while the same was not true.
As I am running a CSC Center and serving to Govt and citizen of my village I took this connection to serve them in better and quick mode. But instead of resolving my Internet Issue it increased my problems a lot. After that 16th June incident I even asked them (thru email) either to continue my services or to refund my deposited amount. But they remained adamant and never replied except one email from their side in which they were blaming on me that I misbehaved with their female employee. I asked them to check out the CCTV footage of that day in which whole incident of 16th June will be clear. After that they remained mute. Till date (06.08.2016) they did not reply to any of my email which I send them. Plz do the needful and resolve this issue. A copy of bill is in attached file. For more case clarity I got a history of email which I did them if you need those I will send it thru email too.

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