
Money for broadband taken without using the srvices

Complain ID : CCN019912   37   Complaint's Reply

Delivery Complaint Complaint Date: June 10, 2016
  • State :  Haryana
  • City :  Gurgaon
  • Address: Hno-155-,second Floor Terrace,sector-17/c

The network problem prevailed for around 20 days in October,2015 and it had been only 3 months that i was using tikona. So i stopped using the services as internet didn't work for 20 days. After i had chat with the executive of tikona that i will not be paying for the month as there netwrok was down and i didn't used the services to which they agreed. After that network problem was still there so i applied for the disconnection of tikona broadband to which tikona guys gave me various offers to continue their services to which i disagreed. Last month they took all the wires and their device and discontinued the service. Today(on 10 June,2016) i received a call from rahul sharma( advocate from tikona) that are going to issue summon against me if i don't pay the amount of Rs.990 by 10:30 in the morning for the services which i never used due to their network problems and they forced me for that. I want justice for this and want my money back from the tikona people for what they have done.

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    by Tikona Care:

    (4 of 5)

    Dear Subscriber,

    Greetings from Tikona.

    We have noted your post. In order to assist you further, we would require your contact or Tikona User ID details. We have assigned a reference number # TIKJU1841 to your case. Requesting you to mention the reference number in the subject line while sharing your details with us on tikonacare@tikona.in

    Tikona Care

    by Tikona Care:

    (4 of 5)

    Dear Subscriber,

    This is a gentle reminder to follow-up on your concern listed on June 19, 2016. Requesting you to share details in order for us to assist/resolve your concern. Kindly share your details with us on tikonacare@tikona.in mentioning your assigned reference number TIKSE1841 in the subject line.

    Tikona Care

    reference number # TIKJU1841 by Deepak jain:

    (4 of 5)

    My contact number is 9899140497/8901412153 and my tikona id was 1115201263 and number of advocate who called me was 8510882845.

    by Tikona Care:

    (4 of 5)

    Dear Deepak,

    Greetings from Tikona.

    Please be assured that your concern listed June 19, 2016 has been noted and our team is working on addressing the same.

    Tikona Care

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