
Application form for breaking the display of the phone

Complain ID : CCN034201   38  

Customer Care Complaint Date: May 23, 2020
Sir My humble submission is that I am Shri Shantanu Nandan Bera, a resident of Block No. 2 under Ramnagar Police Station, East Midnapore District. I bought Realmy 3 mobile last year on 04/06/2019 by ordering online. But due to the storm (AMPHAN) of the previous day, the mobile phone fell from the shelf of the house and the PD exploded. But currently I can't go anywhere due to lockdown. I also heard that there is no mobile servicing center open in Contai so I can't use it even though I have a warranty card. Moreover, my phone's warranty will expire in a few days. So my humble request is that if you give me any advice or help in any way, I will be forever grateful to you. Iti Shantanu Nandan Bera।

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