
Survival, had no options left apart. i stay at barrackpore west bengal

Complain ID : CCN030986   45  

Citizenship Complaint Complaint Date: November 27, 2018
Modified date: December 7, 2018
honorable sir,
you might feel weird reading my mail but i had no options left apart. i stay at barrackpore west bengal, i am 44 years old and still un employed, my parents had passed away ,previous month, leaving me a huge debt in market.
to make matter worsen i am married too, so i can not afford the luxury of committing suicide.please help me to get a job as soon as possible,
i am well educated, i am attaching my resume to you see if you can really do for a helpless insecured man like me. i had appealed to pm/cm of west bengal but they are too busy expanding their profit issues.
i have nobody in this world except my wife who is also an orphan somewhere like me.
if you understand my do or die situation please help to get a job so that we can live with self respect, if not may god bless u sir.
thanking you
Complaint Against : goverment

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