Reliance Data Card connection not close still have many requestNihar Chogle / Data Card Complaint August 10, 2016 / Pune / MaharashtraMy Name is Nihar Chogle, Reliance Number is 9373888583, I have raised the request to close the connection but still connection is not yet closed after...
Cheating form Reliance 4G Datacard, facing lot of problem with reliance customer careVinayak Kulkarni / Data Card Complaint August 10, 2016 / Pune / Maharashtraform last 4-5 years i am using reliance datacard (9371022068) form last 2 month i have facing lot of problem with my data card i always call reliance ...
मुजे deta card मे फसाने का मामलाamit suryabhan ramteke / Data Card Complaint March 20, 2016 / Bhandara / Maharashtraडीअर सर:- मेरा नाम अमित रामटेके मैने 15/06/2015 को 2399 रु.का डोंगल खरीदा उस दुकानदार ने मुजे एक साल कि वारंठी दि वो डोंगल वरांठी के पहले हि फेल हो गय...
Non activation of tata Docomo 3G Wifi plan purchased from Arise teleservices , PuneSACHIN DUBEY / Data Card Complaint February 24, 2016 / Pune / MaharashtraI purchased a 7GB advance rental plan 3G for 3 months at the cost of 1650 rupees from a agent on 11/02/2016. His name was AMIT (Mob Nos - 7028907216)....
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