Cheating form Reliance 4G Datacard, facing lot of problem with reliance customer care

Complain ID : CCN021734   68  

Data Card Complaint Complaint Date: August 10, 2016
Modified date: August 10, 2016
  • State :  Maharashtra
  • City :  Pune
  • Address: Flat No.9, 2nd Floor, B Wing, Sona Vihar, Shelake Nagar
form last 4-5 years i am using reliance datacard (9371022068) form last 2 month i have facing lot of problem with my data card i always call reliance customer care and visit reliance web world first of all old data card is not working without any intimation reliance force us to convert it to 4g when we are get 4g card then they force to purchase new Wi-Pod for use service data card amount is very then they told us as per mail they don't give proper internet access to purchase wi-pod then they give that wi-pod with absolute 200% extra charge till that time net os not working after purchasing new wipod with 200% extra money they disconnect my service and ask to pay 5000 Rs and change my plan to 4G and force us to pay money first customer care person is not giving us proper information i have mail with reliance customer care but thy ignore it i am doing lot of complaint through customer care but they don't give complaint or they are ignore it i am very frustrated with Reliance Communication from last 2 month but till date they don't care about us

Best Regards
Vinayak Kulkarni

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